The inaugural podcast from the good folks over at is now live for your listening pleasure.
The concept of a podcast "for home haunters by home haunters" has been a long time coming. Having listened to it a number of times now, and though a smidge rough around some edges, I think the future looks very bright for DJ Chris Baker and his cohorts, Revenant and Johnny Thunder. They will definately be giving the more established, though not that much more polished, industry-related podcasts a run for their money. I can certainly relate to it more being a home haunter myself.
I'm honored to have been included, along with Rob of SkullAndBone, as a featured part of the 'Maiden Voyage' of Hauntcast. Revenant's "News From Beyond" Holiday-themed news segment about "The Tale of Two Cities" really captured the essence of our story and the spirit of the holidays. While we weren't recorded for broadcast, I truly enjoyed my conversation with Revenant and hearing his thoughtful take on the story. It's surely something I will never forget.
My thanks to them for including Rob and I, and for giving us all a great premiere. My best wishes go out to Chris and his crew for continued success with the show.
Click the banner at the top of this post to stream it or download it and listen at your leisure.
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